White is commonly perfect for a kitchen with black flooring as they have similar monochromatic themes. The main rule of having black flooring is by combining it with lighter colors, such as for the cabinetries.
The goal is to build a classic and strong environment without looking too bold or scary.
Kitchen with Black Floor Tiles

Once considering a kitchen with black floor tiles, you should consider how it will look when finished. For further consideration, the shape of the tiles are the first thing to go through.
There are various shapes, they are square and rectangle tiles, hexagonal and circle. Those shapes will affect the ambiance of your kitchen. And if you need something to highlight a specific spot, try black arabesque tiles.
Modern Kitchen with Black Floors

This type of kitchen with black flooring is rather different to the previous one. Black offers a dramatic effect but when it is done correctly you will see how chic your kitchen is.
To soften the look of a modern kitchen with black floors, marbles and warm-toned metallics are always great choices. So it is common to see a modern kitchen combining black and gold, brass, and chopper.
White Kitchen with Black Floors

Having a kitchen with black flooring may leave you with unseen dirt so you must clean them up more often than you used to be. A white kitchen with black floors creates a bold statement and more dramatic ambiance.
Because they are two opposite colors that complete each other, such as Yin and Yang. To balance the space, you should add wood elements in your kitchen area.
By designing and deciding a style of your kitchen with black flooring and white elements, you should realize that trends come and go but this combination is timeless.